Tuesday, April 12, 2005

NKF charity shows

Every year, NKF organises shows to raise funds. So, in order to make the people watching the television donate, they hire/invite stars to do death stunts.

I have to say that every single year, I'm fascinated by the number of ways they can get the stars to kill themselves.

Stopping a fan with your..tongue...?


But seriously, are such "stunts" really necessary to get people to donate? I mean, do we see some poor actor with a death wish, screwing is face up in agony, and hence feeling the pain ourselves, resulting in us donating? To date, I still have no idea why NKF does such things every year.

It's amusing to note that in Channel 8, they are showing another charity show, which had people singing and stuff. Way more joyful, and way more interesting then seeing a loser hoping on knifes/jumping into a tub of acid or something.

This issue has been tossed around quite a few times in the ST forums before. People have questioned if this is even necessary to get people to donate. Personally, I don't think so. I know it's fun to see people in pain, but see them in pain just to get people to donate? No way. We, as humans, are sick, but we are not THAT sick. If people are going to donate, it should come from their hearts, not because they see their favourite local actor playing tag with death. Why can't NKF organise something more peaceful? We have enough deaths around the world, and we don't need any more unnecessary ones. In fact, it's a pretty Embarrassing way for the actors to die, if they do. Imagine: Actor X dies because his tongue was sliced off by a fan. How dumb.

Also, does NKF not realise that this tactic is getting old, boring, and kinda lame? They do it every year. Maybe for the first two times, it's cool. But after that, it just becomes stupid. Yeah Yeah, X has twice sacrificed his life, but on the third time, no one cares. Heck, I switched chanels the moment I saw the show. It just isn't as interesting as it was before anymore.

So, NKF, please, go back to the old ways. They are still good. It should be a more happy one, instead of a program where the stentch of death is everywhere, choking everyone.


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